Praying for Maui
Pastor Jeffrey’s mom, Linda Norrington, is a member of Waiola UCC in Lahaina, a 200 year old congregation whose church building burned down in the wildfires last week. Linda and other church members are safe from the fires at this time. Waiola’s Pastor, Anela Rosa, was interviewed by the New York Times in this episode of “The Daily” (link below). Anela shares her first-hand experience of the fire and speaks of what it means to lose a town; to lose a historic spiritual and religious home.
Hawai’i Conference Minister David K. Popham (a good friend of Pastor Jeffrey) wrote: “Where do we go to even raise our prayers when our hale pule became a burnt victim to the ravages of the fire? May we root ourselves in you God, knowing your Spirit groans with ours. Grant us succor in this time and in the days ahead. Amene.”